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Jakob Westhoff's Blog:
From Revelation security to Android password managers
Apr 19, 2010 @ 15:07:58

New on his blog today Jakob Westhoff describes a system he's created to let him keep all of his passwords with him (and safe) where he can get to them from his Android phone. He wanted to pull them from the local store of his Revelation password software.

I am really enjoying my new smartphone. However there is still something missing. A way to have all my passwords with me on my phone in a safely encrypted container.

The Revelation system pushes the passwords into subversion when they're updated and can be accessed from a desktop platform. He was missing the mobile branch of the access, so he decided to fill the gap with PHP by making a reverse transformer for the Revelation passwords. You can get the code here from github if you want to make use of it on your own systems.

tagged: password manager revelation android


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