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Zend Developer Zone:
Results of November's ZF Bug Hunt Days
Dec 03, 2009 @ 14:18:23

Matthew Weier O'Phinney has posted the results of the latest Bug Hunt Days for the Zend Framework that happened back on November 19th and 20th. More than 120 issues were closed out and several made it into that next release of the framework.

We had more than 25 contributors involved during the two days of the official hunt, including several folks new to the project. Personally, I was able to get to only 2 of more than a half-dozen issues I'd selected to work on as I spent the rest of the time reviewing patches submitted via the tracker; I'd like to see this trend continue in the future, as the goal is to get an army of experienced volunteers helping to maintain the framework!

Several developers were thanked for their efforts including Padraic Brady, Michael Perraud and Thomas Weidner. If you didn't get a chance to participate in this last Bug Hunt Day and want to contribute, wait for a bit - another one's coming up soon! (17th/18th of December)

tagged: zendframework bughuntday results


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