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The Bakery:
Writing an easy to use A/B test helper with CakePHP and jquery
Oct 30, 2009 @ 16:57:14

In a recent post to The Bakery (the CakePHP resource) Jonathan Hendler has created a simple A/B test helper using the CakePHP framework and jQuery.

Knowing what is driving the user experience is key to the success of an application. Subtle changes in the interface can cause dramatic shifts in user behavior. Here, A/B tests display two (or more) language choices or color choices to a user (any HTML). Metrics are measured in two ways - 1) did the user click on the button at all and 2) how long did it take them to find it from the moment the page has started loading?

The helper tracks the user through the site and adds the results to a testing table (abtests). The code is included - model, component, controller, helper class and the jquery code to make it all work together. A few usage examples are also thrown in near the end.

tagged: ab test helper cakephp framework jquery


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