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Cal Evans' Blog:
Packaging Zend Framework As A Phar Revisited
Jul 27, 2009 @ 12:59:27

Following up on a previous post of his looking at the phar archiving tool that comes standard in PHP releases now (since v5.3), Cal Evans has revisited the topic and updated his code to reflect some recommendations made from a reader (John Douglass).

So here is the latest version. probably my last version of this particular piece of code. I still believe that a standardized phar packager could be written, possibly using phing but I don't have time to do it right now. If you get around to it, make sure you drop me a line so I can link to it. There is no new functionality here, we just added a few cli options so things aren't hard coded.

Besides updating the code he's also added a quick "help" section to the package.php updates. Full code for the new version is in the post ready for your cut and pasting.

tagged: phar package zendframework update


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