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Brian Moon's Blog:
The rise of the GLAMMP stack
May 24, 2009 @ 03:43:08

Brian Moon has posted about the rise of one of a new breed of web application software installs - things like GLAMMP.

First there was LAMP. But are you using GLAMMP? You have probably not heard of it because we just coined the term while chatting at work. You know LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP or Perl and sometimes Python). So, what are the extra letters for?

In this particular case, the extra letters are "G" for Gearman and "M" for memcached. His point is simple - web platform installs are not just as simple as "Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP" any more. There's a who host of other applications that can go right along with them and, in many cases, should for the stability of the site.

tagged: software install platform lamp


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