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Maggie Nelson's Blog:
From MovableType to WordPress in 301 Easy Steps
Jan 27, 2009 @ 13:58:05

If you've a blogger and you've been thinking about moving platforms (say from MovableType to WordPress) you mightwant to check out this new blog post from Maggie Nelson about her experience switching between the two.

It's been a while [since I last tried WordPress] and things seem to have improved - some within WordPress itself, but others due to the help of the community which has provided tons of plugins that can help WordPress get around some of its problems. The move from MovableType to WordPress was easy. WordPress has import functionality that plays very nicely with MovableType's exported files. Yay!

Her only problem was making sure that references to the site weren't broken. She made the move away from her old domain to a new one (maggienelson.com) and needed to set up some redirects to bridge the gap. The mod_rewrite module of Apache made things relatively simple. All of her rules (including the ones in the path she took to get to the file result) are included in the post.

tagged: modrewrite apache move domain blog software movabletype wordpress


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