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Matthew Weier O'Phinney's Blog:
Testing Zend Framework MVC Applications
Jul 01, 2008 @ 17:05:32

Matthew Weier O'Phinney has posted about a project he undertook to make it simple to test "userland projects" built with the Zend Framework as easy to test as the framework's own Front Controller and Dispatcher.

One of my ongoing projects the past few months has been to create an infrastructure for functional testing of ZF projects using PHPUnit. This past weekend, I made the final commits that make this functionality feature complete.

This new functionality allows you to create stub test case classes, use a Zend_Dom_Query object with CSS selectors/XPath for queries and makes available a special PHPUnit test case that handles the interface between some of the custom functionality (boostrapping, dispatching requests, etc) and PHPUnit.

He includes a sample test case that has assertions for calls to a controller with an action, that a page contains a login form and that a page creates a session and redirects to a profile page.

You can get this functionality from the incubator on the subversion repository for the project.

tagged: testing zendframework application phpunit testcase


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